Biobaza Jajoper x Melem


Verkaufspreis4,09 €

BIOBAZA JAJOPER x MELEM gel for intimate care brings a very gentle formulation that removes unpleasant odours, nourishes, soothes and refreshes the sensitive intimate area. Be gentle yourself to your health and use this product daily during routine hygiene. Learn the testicle self-examination technique and wash for a cause! Use: Apply a small amount of gel to the palm or intimate area, lather and rinse thoroughly.


Čuvati na suhom mjestu pri temperaturi do 25°C. Rok uporabe i kontrolni broj označeni na ambalaži. / Store in a dry place at a temperature up to 25°C. The expiry date and control number are marked on the packaging. / Да се чува на суво место на температура до 25°C. Датумот на употреба и контролниот број означени на пакувањето. / Hraniti v suhem prostoru pri temperaturi do 25 °C. Rok uporabnosti in kontrolna številka označena na embalaži. / Čuvati na suvom mestu na temperaturi do 25 °C. Rok upotrebe i kontrolni broj označeni na ambalaži.